Are you the type of person who allows failure and rejection to shape your attitude and cause you to then give up or limit your goals accordingly? If so, join the club! Most of us struggle with moving ahead after facing disappointment or failure to reach a goal. Remember this though, you cannot get ahead with any goals you set – whether they are personal and health related or career and professional related without taking an element of risk. What is the difference then between those who fail and give up and those who are successful? First and foremost, accept that failure is sometimes inevitable; have faith in yourself that you can achieve your goal and if you fail view the failure as another stepping stone to your success!
Think about your own life experiences and take some time to contemplate and reflect on your vulnerability to rejection and failure. Make a list of the times you failed in achieving a personal goal. Make another list of the times you failed in achieving a professional goal. And make a final list of times you faced rejection. Are there common themes? Do you know why you failed? Did you reflect on the experience and learn from it or did you turn away from your goal out of fear of more rejection? Use your reflections to build a foundation for your next steps to reach your goal. Know that getting ahead, reaching a goal and experiencing success can be fraught with failure and rejection and in spite of the difficulty, believe in yourself, your purpose, your goals and your eventual success in reaching them. As Gail Sheehy remarked: “To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist!”